Plot Manager

A JavaScript wrapper library for the CREATE Lab Grapher and the BodyTrack Grapher.


Example 1
A minimal, non-resizeable plot.
Example 2
A resizeable plot. You can control the width and height of the plot with the radio buttons.
Example 3
An auto-resizing plot which also specifies initial visible ranges for the date axis and the Y axis. You can control whether auto-resizing is enabled by toggling the checkbox.
Example 4
An auto-resizing plot which also constrains the ranges for the date axis and the Y axis. You can control whether the ranges are constrained by toggling the checkboxes.
Example 5
Two auto-resizing plots in separate plot containers, with Y axis labels.
Example 6
Two auto-resizing plots in the same plot container, sharing a Y axis. One plot plot has a custom style.
Example 7
Two auto-resizing plots in the same plot container, each with its own Y axis. One plot has a custom style.
Example 8
Example of how to change the plot in a plot container. Click the channel name links below the plot to change which channel is displayed.
Example 9
An auto-resizing plot which has a data point listener attached. Hover over the plot data points to see the value and timestamp appear below the plot. You can toggle whether the listener is attached by toggling the checkbox.
Example 10
An auto-resizing plot which has two listeners attached. Hover over the plot data points to see the value and timestamp appear below the plot. Drag the red triangle cursor to see the value and timestamp of the most recent data point with respect to the cursor. You can toggle whether the cursor listener is attached by toggling the checkbox.
Example 11
An auto-resizing plot which allows you to change plot styles. Try out different styles using the radio buttons. If a style supports highlighting, mouseover data points to see the highlight style.
CREATE Lab Grapher | BodyTrack Grapher


Please see the API for more details.